14 August 2011

Post-Jimpocalypse news and an update on The Visa Situation

The Jimpocalypse

Alas, I was a fool and did not bring a camera to the Jimpocalypse, and thus there shall be no photos of the night.  Suffice it to say, though, a good time was had by all and I greatly appreciated seeing all of my non-coworker friends for a last time before I leave.

The Visa Situation

Is there a sign on my head that reads "Do not supply Visas to this man"?  No?  Then why is Iceland so reluctant to supply a Visa to me?

Allow me to explain; I've got my Visa application in, everything is proceeding apace and I'm just short the proof of registration at the University to get everything done (I can't register until I'm there, which is proof that the government designed it's bureaucracy after reading Kafka and watching Brazil)  and I would assume everything is going swimmingly.  However, Andrew and I received letters on the same day* stating our background checks were insufficient and we needed RCMP checks.  This would be impossible to get in such short notice and, being my charmingly direct self, I let the Directorate of Immigration know.

The result of that and a direct phone call?  An email from the Canadian Embassy in Reykjavik stating, essentially "Chill, James, and wait until shit clears up on Monday.  If it's not clear by then, call the Directorate and find out what's up."

So, I wait for another 12 hours and some change before I find out what's what and, hopefully, I will have an answer in the key of 'Awesome' regarding this.


I depart in 5 days.  This is craziness.

*No small feat, considering Canada Post's recent labour issues.


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