24 August 2011


So, met up with a few other folk from the University and I'm adding them to the Dramatis Personae post.  I'll give you a rundown on who's who, though (and, this way, I only need to copy and paste the entry, not write up a  new one!  Score one for being lazy!)

Ryder - Another Yank, fellow MIS student, fan of Fantasy and fellow nerd.  Paul's roommate.
David - An Englishman, from Cambridge, and thus he sounds smarter than anyone else.
Jonas - Another German, doing an exchange semester here for his BA.  Solid dude.

Andrew, Paul, Ryder and I had a meeting with Torfi yestday.  Andrew and I are still in limbo viz. our immigration status while Paul, Ryder and Sarah are having issues with their kennitölur.*  Andrew and I will be in that boat too, once things show up here for us.

After the meeting with Torfi, I went and collected Sarah and Jonas from our flat and the lot of us - Sarah, Ryder, Paul, Andrew, Jonas and I - went to Pizza Pronto for dinner.  It certainly wasn't the best pizza I've ever had, but it was certainly the best "it's 3am, I'm hammered and I know I need to eat something" pizza I've ever had.

Today, the plan is to go to the Post Office and mail in OSAP info, then there's talk of swimming going on.  We'll see how that goes.

Also, I'll need to get a camera by Friday; there's a trip to Þingvellir (where the two continental plates of North America and Europe meet) and Reykholt (where Snorri Sturlusson lived and where the Snorri exhibit is), so that'll be cool.

Also, I'm going to need to get an Icelandic keyboard at some point - constantly using Alt-Code or copy-paste diacritics is getting ridiculous.

*Kennitölur (sg. kennitala) are Icelandic National Identification numbers.  Think Social Insurance/Social Security numbers for Canada and the US.  They're also needed to get registered with the University and with Ugla, the University's online registration system, the computer labs and get study carrels at the National Library.  So yeah, kind of a big deal.


  1. I am sure everything will shake loose soon enough.
    Good to have the character list to reference makes things easier ;)

    Sounds like you need to visit a tech-type store, for your gadget needs :)

  2. swimming! In the hot springs? This is exciting. And I agree on the camera, man. Also, yay Germans!

  3. @Shadowhawck: I figured it was a nice touch. And things are getting sorted, albeit slowly. Also, I need to *find* one first :P

    @Liv: Swimming! Did not happen, alas :( But it will, eventually! Also, yes, camera. And yay Germans! Jonas has been gracious enough to lend me one of his!
