26 August 2011

More updates!

So, yesterday was fun - we had an informal Student meeting with Miriam, a former MIS student and now a PhD candidate.  Good times were had by all of us - the MIS members of the Dramatis Personae, that is - and we met a friend of Sarah's from Germany.  We were also at a pub called Ölsmiðjan, which means, and I shit you not on this,"the Alesmith."  Which was pretty badass.  It's also one of the few bars in Reykjavik which hasn't been trendy, which means they serve decent draught for 490kr, or around $4.25CAD  Not bad pricing, when you consider that the average cost of a pint or bottle around here is 900kr/$8.75CAD

Afterwards, we went to Hlöllabátar, grabbed some 'boat sandwiches' - the local variant on subs - and just shot the shit.  I had a really tasty one consisting of shaved lamb, ham, fried onions, lettuce and Hlölli sauce - essentially a remoulade.  Tasty stuff.

So, we all remember how my Visa troubles were, well, troubles, right?  Well, my RCMP prints and check arrived the other day, got scanned and mailed to me and I mailed them to UTL, so right now my 'I'm not getting deported because I'm no longer an illegal alien!" paperwork is in the process of being filled out.  And I might not have to go to another country to do it!

Also, the lady from the Canadian Embassy with whom I've been chatting is, apparently, the Canadian Trade Commissioner for Iceland.  And she wants to meet up for coffee next week.  Crazy?  I think so.

Speaking of other countries, I've met two new folk who are being added to the Dramatis Personae:

Rouan - A Kiwi and MIS student; quiet but seems like a decent enough fellow.  Likely capable of constructing an entire house from 2x4 and baling wire.
Einar - An Anglo-Norse MIS student.  He is his own Danelaw, essentially.  A quiet Danelaw, but those are the most dangerous.

There are plans afoot to go to the flea market on Saturday, so I might come back with a camera and then there might be pictures!  However, for now, that's that.  So catch you later!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I remember those times when coming to Canada. :)

    Reasonable pint cost is important, and I envy you your boatwich.
