08 August 2011

At upphafi

As your humble narrator, I should probably begin with letting you know what's what.

About me:  I'm in Reykjavik working on my MA in Medieval Icelandic Studies at the Háskólí Íslands here.  As most of you who're reading this are aware, I'm originally from Ontario, Canada and I'm married to an awesome Lady who's still there at the moment.

Why I'm there:  As I've said, I'm doing my MA in Medieval Icelandic Studies.  I'm looking at a couple of weapons used in the sagas by

Dramatis Personae:  There are a few names I'm going to dropping along the way, so I might as well let you know who's who:

Non-MIS Students:

Emily - My ex-wife.  Originally came to Iceland with me in 2007.
Ren - One of my best friends.  Dedicated to making my life as interesting for her as possible.
Hana - My other housemate.  A dive instructor and fellow Canadian.  Although she's from Dundas, so, you know...
David - An Englishman, from Cambridge, and thus he sounds smarter than anyone else.  Doing the Erasmus Modern Icelandic program.
Jonas - Another German, doing an exchange semester here for his BA.  Solid dude, also in Erasmus
Hayley - A Canadian from BC, doing work in Literature.  A mutual friend of Johanna and Andrew
Magda - A German PhD candidate working on Viking-Age grave finds in Iceland.
Johanna - Ryder's ladyfriend and our housemate.  Half-Icelandic and half-Finnish.
Siobhan -  A dive instructor who works with Hana, of dubious English extraction. Willing to go go on lunatic adventures with me

MIS Students:

Andrew - A fellow Canadian and MIS student.  From Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.  Bear wrestler, moose whisperer, etc.
Paul - A Yank and fellow MIS student.  Also, a bitter Nihilist and Anarcho-Capitalist (although he prefers the term "Libertarian")
Ryder - Another Yank, fellow MIS student, fan of Fantasy books and fellow nerd.  Paul's roommate and Folk Music Afficianado.
Sarah - My German former housemate.  A fellow student in MIS.  Huge metal fan.  Not as in a large appliance to move air about, but as in she enjoys heavy metal music.
Einarr - An Anglo-Norse MIS student.  He is his own Danelaw, essentially.  A quiet Danelaw, but those are the most dangerous.
Ásdís - An Icelandic-American; PhD candidate, very intelligent. Moreso than I, at least. Which seems to be a theme with my fellow MIS students
Myriam - A Russo-American PhD candidate and former MIS student; she's going to be my new flatmate in October, as Hana is moving out. A fan of things Fantastical and grimdark.
Bahb - An American-American from Kentucky and current MIS student. Much like everyone else in the program, barring your humble narrator, an extremely intelligent dude. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and classical scholar.
Bond - A Texan-American and Fulbright Scholar.  Fantastically intelligent, quiet, has the stereotypically academic quality of drifting off deep into thought at a moment's notice

What you can expect:  Probably some photos.  Certainly some stories.  Maybe even semi-regular updates, if you're lucky.


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