09 September 2011

A day of many things happening

Some good, some decidedly un-good. Allow me to elaborate, in the style of Ennio Morricone.

il Buono:

1) Went to two Noam Chomsky lectures today; The first was about Linguistics and the theory of a Universal Grammar (along with some commentary about how Syntactical studies should be more accurately referred to as Word Order studies) and the second was a political lecture regarding the two 9/11s - the one in New York and the one in Chile from 1973. Both were absorbing, although I do get where Bahb was coming from when he said Chomsky was no Asimov; engrossing material, but not the most engaging speaker. Acerbic and dry, yes, but not terrifically so.

2) Went to Nexus, the comic book, DVD, manga and general nerdbookstore, conveniently located a block and a half toward the sea from my apartment. It was replete with all manner of awesome manga (Eden: It's an Endless World!, Gundam 00, etc.), graphic novels and comic compilations and a complete section of Warhammer and 40k novels, including the Ciaphas Cain, Hero of the Imperium* omnibus, the first Gaunt's Ghost omnibus and the Eisenhorn omnibus. All of which are reasonably priced, if not less expensive than back in Canada. This bodes ill for my bank balance and for my studying time.

Speaking of studying...

3) Had my first Discussion class for The Medieval North today. It was a Seminar and, as such, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Of course, the fact that I tend to have my speech very informal and peppered with colloquialisms did draw some attention from the Professor, Víðarr, but still. Fun times were had by all, I think.

il Brutto:

1) I have successfully completed my OSAP hoop jumpery. This involved me writing a letter giving Emily authorization to get info about my loan, photographing said letter, photographing my SIN card and then sending those, along with a copy of my passport to NSLC in order to get my loan released. In 7-10 days, I'll have money. In theory.

il Cattivo:

1) Found out today that the Internet bill had been consistently paid one month behind. This means that, in July, Hana paid for May and June and, this month, we paid for July and August, as 1) the bill is not sent via post, but rather to the initial account holder's email and 2) the September bill had yet to be printed.

2) Found a collections notice for the Electrical bill. From May. And June. I'm assuming July's involved too, somehow, and August. But Orkuveita Reykjavíkur won't give us information without the kennitala of the person who originally set up the account (I think - the rep's English wasn't so good, and this info was relayed to me via Sarah)

There shall be a reckoning regarding these issues. A mighty reckoning, oh yes.

So, there you have it, ladies and gents. There's a trip to Ölsmiðjan this eve, so I'm doing some studying before that. Otherwise, not much going on for the rest of the day.

Next week? Pictures! Of Þingvellir, Reykholt and, if you're lucky, the Domicile and Surrounding Area.

*Caution: Link directs you to TV Tropes, and woe unto those who fall into it's depths!


  1. Well the goods are goods.

    The others, well I am sure you will get it sorted, I mean as a guard player you are used to seeing seemingly impossible things, then shooting it with a flashlight.

  2. Surely you mean showing Heretics the Glory of the Emperor's Light, correct? Please see your nearest Commissar for Reeducation.

  3. Next time you are at Nexus (which I assume will be daily) ask how much an entire booster box of MTG costs and what languages they can be procured in. Also, what's the address so I can find it next time I am downtown?


  4. I'll let you know as soon as I find out, Bahb.
