05 September 2011

Accursed consequence!

(As a note, I like prefacing things with the word 'accursed,' if you've not noticed)

So, today was a day of consequences catching up with me; it was also, as you may no doubt have guessed, a day where in I learned quite a bit about myself viz those consequences.

So, shall we begin?

First, my foot. I am, for those of you unaware, afflicted with the gout. This is an incredibly unpleasant and painful form of arthritis caused in part by a staunch dedication to epicurean hedonism. Specifically, light-coloured beers and liquors, caffeine, chocolate, red meat, shellfish and tomatoes are terrible for gout. Those of you familiar with me know that I have essentially described my ideal menu in that list. This is a problem. Especially as I've essentially lived off of coffee, lager and tea since I got here. While tasty, not so good for the hoof. Fortunately, a brief stop at a local Asian market procured me a tasty tofu-based desert which, along with the Tylenol 2s I've been eating like candy, seems to have mitigated the pain. There is talk of celebratory drinking this eve to commemorate Sarah's completion of a BA paper on Karen Blixen. My course of action? Celebratory club soda!

Not pictured: The decalitre of lager I drank before the Gout Gremlin showed

Second, school. I had an Old Norse test today. "Fuck yeah!" I hear you say. "You translate that shit for fun! You should have no problems!" These were exactly my thoughts as well. Suffice it to say, I learned quite the lesson today. The fact that I've not taken formal education in Old Norse since 2007 means that I really, really shouldn't have thought a cursory glance at the grammar would serve me. So, after bombing that test and emailing my Professor (who is a totally awesome dude) a conciliatory email letting him know I'm not actually an idiot. I was simply absurdly arrogant and, now chastened, I have resolved to do my damnedest to ensure that such a clusterfuck as that never occurs again. I'm going to be having my hands full as it is with the courses I'm taking this year (and my desire to do the entire MA in 2 semesters) that I can't afford to fuck around.

Third, fucking around. Not going to lie. Been reading a lot of Bernard Cornwell and playing a lot of Mount and Blade: Warband. As opposed to reading up on my Old Norse orthography, phonology and morphology. That will change. That will change damned quick.

Fourth, the Immigration Issue. Finally got approved for making myself legal! Unfortunately, this means I need to leave the country and fax in my boarding pass to UTL so that they can issue me my Residence Permit and Kennitala. That will be done once my OSAP arrives.

Fifth, and finally, OSAP. Sent off the confirmation of income today and they should be in Canada early next week. Which means that early the week after next I get my money, then I go to the UK - to visit either Ren or Jess, or both! - and then back here with a Kennitala and a residence permit and all that good stuff.

And now, to look at getting me a cell phone!

1 comment:

  1. You too with the gout. Yeah I am on meds for mine. And crossing into Type 2 has caused me to curb most of my excess.

    Mount and Blade, good stuff. Which Cornwell books :)

    Also remind me after your adventures abroad to introduce you to 7th Sea and or Iron Kingdoms :)
