So, we had our Thanksgiving feastbacle* last night at Bahb and Meredith's place. It went off without too many hitches** and, I think, that everyone in the end had a good time. There's a lot of ground to cover with the whole night, but suffice it to say, we all had a good time. We ate, commiserated, played music and sang songs. There are photo!
But because there are a lot, I've included them all under a cut, for your viewing pleasure.
Without further ado, I present the First MIS Canadian Thanksgiving!***
So, first off, the spread should be dealt with. I brought roast chicken, gravy, stuffing and roast puffin to the party. Observe!
Chickens roasting in an open oven. Well, it's open so I could take the picture. |
The stuffing, pre-cooking and never once stuffed inside a bird! |
The puffin. Quirky, bizarre puffin. Oh, the puffin. |
We made it to Bahb and Meredith's in one piece, with no-one managing to a) get lost or b) have their food go missing. Once all was said and done, the full spread was laid out and we got to the proper task of consuming as much as we were able to, in as short a time as possible. Like any good harvest festival/excuse for gluttony!
The spread! Clockwise, from top centre: Chicken, crudite (Erin and Liv), salad (ditto), crudite (ibid.), gravy (op. cit), chicken (ibid.), red wine (Carline and David), potato salad (Osvaldo). Not pictured: Andrew's garlic bread, Ásdís' white wine and mash, and the puffins. |
A piece of the puffin! I didn't get a picture of a whole one, as I was clearly not thinking, but just picture two pieces of breast meat around this size attached to a semi-chitinous sternum. Not pictured, the smell. Or the taste. Oh gods. Imagine chicken, mixed with herring. You get both the taste and smell then. No joke. |
The desert spread! Clockwise from top left: Apple cake (Liv), berry (of some sort, I hesitate to say 'blue' but it was delicious nonetheless) cobbler (ibid.), cream cake deliciousness (ibid), cheese 'cake' of pudding-like consistency (Ryder). Not pictured, Liv's Cool Whip (because you can't have Thanksgiving without it) and Rouan's chocolate-filled Camembert |
Rouan's chocolate-filled Camembert. Also, his shirt. And his arms. Well, basically all of Rouan except for his face. | |
Also, I decided to photograph everyone, against their better judgement. Except for yours truly, as we don't need me uglying up the place. So, I now present to you my fellow MISanthropes****:
Bahb, David, and Bond just chilling out in the kitchen |
. |
Victoria and Meredith, also chilling out in said kitchen |
Carline in, you guessed it! The kitchen |
Erin. I don't know where this photo was taken. |
Ásdís, in parts unknown |
Sarah, also at an undisclosed location |
Sarah, Liv, Paul, and Andrew, in the livingroom |
Ryder, our resident mandolier, raising a pint of wine |
Liv, of the ridiculous deserts |
Rouan, who it would appear has travelled to the future from 1995. Not that that's a bad thing. |
The side of Carline's head, the front of Osvaldo's, and the side of Bahb's |
So there you have it, folks! The first Canadian Thanksgiving I've attended in Iceland, recapped for you. Much food was shared, many songs were sung and played, and much good cheer had. This is also the start of Project Week for us here, so I might go adventurin' instead of being studious and, if I do so, there'll be photos aplenty for you!
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving (for those of you who are Canadian and celebrate it) and, if you're not Canadian, or you don't celebrate it, I hope you had a good 9th of October!
* It was a feast in that, well, it was a feast. It was a debacle in that...well, in that I organized it and, as such, "debacle" was probably the most generous way of describing what had the potential to occur. Fortunately, things went smoothly, but feastbacle is still a fun neologism.
** By 'too many' I mean any whatsoever. It went surprisingly smooth!
*** At least, the first one I know of.
****OK, the semiofficial nickname for the MIS students is MISlingar, which is Icelandic for measles, but I like MISanthropes better.
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