Now, by way of elaboration, it's not been as terrible as it could have been, but I was quite ill and - much to my chagrin and the delight of my flatmates - by this past Wednesday, I was functionally mute. Fortunately for me - and much to the lament of Ryder - I have regained the use of my vocal faculties and have resumed haranguing and insulting my friends here. Because that's what friends do.
Anyway, not a whole lot has been going on, academically. OK, that's not entirely true - I've had one quiz in Old Icelandic (should have had two, but I was half-dead on Friday and missed it; that'll be fixed this week) and a test in the Old Nordic Religions course. How I did on them isn't terrifically surprising, given my general inability to perform when it comes to class-based testing, but still, it rankles.
Paleography and Codicology is shaping up to be awesome, despite it's 9am start-time. Fortunately, I managed to move myself from the Monday class to the Tuesday class; this means several things: First, and most importantly, I can sleep later than Paul and Ryder tomorrow, those schmucks. Second, it means that, on Tuesdays, I will be awake and thinking, which means I will have precious little in way of excuses to not complete my glossing and studying for Old Norse.
Course work is going apace, with a lot of reading in Religions, a lot of translation in Old Norse, and lots of playing around with manuscripts in Paleography. Or, rather, soon to be playing with manuscripts. We've had the opportunity to handle a bunch already, and it was awesome and impressive and all that good stuff, but it was just handling. Soon, we'll be actually cataloguing and describing the manuscripts, which is going to be awesome. It also means that we're going to need to learn how to read a bunch of different scripts, which will be fun.
Insofar as Iceland is concerned, apparently the country took umbrage with my prior assertion that Spring had Sprung. We had snow literally up to my knees on Wednesday afternoon. It was pretty damned impressive. However, despite it's beauty and it's all melted. Take that, Iceland! Your 'winter' is nothing! I scoff at it!*
On sober second thought, I should be more careful with who - or what - I insult; it appears as though I have offended a kitchen-elf or, more specifically, a baking-elf. How do I surmise this? Well, allow me to explain for you: Before the Two Week Break, we went to Torfi's for a party. I baked a Shortbread Monstrosity** and all seemed good - the top two-thirds of it was sweet, and buttery, and generally everything you want in a Shortbread Monstrosity. So we get to the party, display the thing, everyone cuts in, and the bottom third of it is basically a buttery, salty mess. I have no idea what happened to it, but there you go; terrible.
Flash forward to today, and I baked a loaf of bread. It looked damn good. It looked so good, in fact, that I took a picture of it:
Beware! Doughy horror lurks within! |
Looks amazing, yes? Well, upon cutting it open, it turned out that two-thirds of the interior was still doughy. So I threw it back in the oven for another 20 minutes. Now only a third of it was doughy. Unfortunately, the crust was beginning to carbonize. Bread disaster.
This has led me to what is possibly the only rational explanation for my consistent failure at creating baked goods - or success at making baked bads, depending on your point of view - and that is this: I have angered one of the huldufólk.*** I need to figure out a way to appease them.
What else have I been doing, apart from being wretchedly ill and failing at producing bread? Well, I took pictures! Some of which are under the jump, and the rest of which you can find at my deviantArt account - that way I spare those of you who don't want to look at my ham-fisted attempts at photography.****
Anyway, that about sums it up, save for the photos I took, which are all under the jump
*I'm only doing this in the hopes that there will be another mighty snowfall
**Basically a single, massive shortbread cookie
***The coolest thing about this article? It references my professor for Old Nordic Religions
****I've been doing most of my shooting at night; it's turned out kind of terrible, as the camera needs a long enough exposure to ensure that my natural hand tremors ruin whatever I was hoping to get, but there are some that worked out not too badly.